From As You Sow
Introducing: Fossil Free Funds
From As You Sow
Fossil free investing made easy
Fossil fuel investments carry real financial risks. Over the past years, a growing divestment movement of institutional and individual investors representing trillions in assets under management have responded to this climate risk by divesting all or some of their fossil fuel investments.
Fossil Free Funds analyzes the fossil fuel exposure and carbon footprint of thousands of U.S. mutual funds and ETFs. We make it easy to know what you own, so you can align your investments with your values.
How to invest fossil free
Step one icon
Search for mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) by name, ticker, or asset manager. Our database covers 3,000 stock funds available in the U.S.
Step two icon
See your results. We track fund exposure to fossil fuel companies, fossil finance and insurance, and clean energy leaders.
Step three icon
Look for greener options. Sort and compare to find funds that fit your needs.

Your retirement plan may be fueling the climate crisis. But it doesn't have to.

Select a company retirement plan




Campbell Soup Company









State Farm


Whole Foods

Index funds
Passively managed investment funds that track market indexes have seen significant fund inflows over the past decade. These indexes, from firms like from S&P Global Ratings, Russell/FTSE, and MSCI, are increasingly setting our economy on autopilot and pumping capital into unsustainable business models. Below are the fossil fuel grades for 10 common index funds.
IndexRated asFossil fuel grade
Russell 1000IWBD
Russell 2000IWMD
Russell 3000IWVD
Russell Top 200IWLD
MSCI Emerging MarketsEEMF

If you care about climate change, your money can help shrink your carbon footprint... Now there is a tool, the website Fossil Free Funds, that helps pinpoint funds and E.T.F.s focused on companies with smaller carbon footprints.

Funds That Can Put Your Investments on a Low-Carbon Diet
New York Times - Funds That Can Put Your Investments on a Low-Carbon Diet
Read more about us in:
The Guardian - The carbon bubble: why investors can no longer ignore climate risksBloomberg BNA - GE, Microsoft Urged to Offer Fossil-Fuel-Free 401(k)sFastCompany - How To Convince Your Employer To Divest Your 401(k) From Fossil FuelsThinkProgress - There’s Now A Way To Find Out How Much Of Your Retirement Is Invested In Fossil Fuels
Fund managers have trillions of dollars invested in the stocks of fossil fuel companies
Major asset managers handle the retirement savings of millions of Americans.  Their mission is to help people save for the future - but they're directing trillions of dollars of capital to the carbon polluters maintaining and expanding the fossil fuel infrastructure that threatens our future.
Are your savings invested with one of these financial giants?  Find out just how much they have invested in the top owners of carbon reserves, the largest coal-fired utilities, and other fossil fuel companies. Then, share to spread the word: business as usual is killing the climate.
Tracking trillions in fossil fuel investments
Top carbon reserve ownersCoal industryOil/gas industryTop coal-fired utilitiesFossil-fired utilities

Fossil Free Funds is a search platform that looks at the climate impact of popular mutual funds and shows you if your money is being invested in fossil fuel companies, or companies with high carbon footprints.

Investing in coal companies, oil/gas producers, and coal-fired utilities isn’t just a moral question. Fossil fuel investments carry real financial risks. When emissions are constrained, fossil fuel companies will have their carbon assets stranded. Over the past years, a growing divestment movement of institutional and individual investors representing more than $6tn in assets under management have responded to this risk by divesting all or some of their fossil fuel investments.

Fossil Free Funds empowers you to know exactly what you own, to see if your savings are invested in dirty energy sources, and to find investment options that support a cleaner, greener future.

Search for mutual funds and see if they’re invested in fossil fuel companies. If they are, you can use our database to find comparable options that meet your specific needs.

Find fossil free mutual funds and ETFs

Search funds from your 401(k) or IRA for fossil fuels
More from Invest Your Values
See how mutual funds and ETFs are rated on issues ranging from fossil fuels, to deforestation, gender equality, guns, prisons, weapons, and tobacco

We offer sustainable investment tools that highlight issues dealing with climate change, gender equality and more

About us

Invest Your Values is funded by contributions to As You Sow, a non-profit 501(c)3.


Invest Your Values is a project by As You Sow, a 501(c)3 nonprofit empowering shareholders to change corporations for good

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As You Sow is not an investment adviser as that term is defined under federal and state (California) laws and regulations. As You Sow is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and empowering shareholders to change corporations for the good through the collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant information to the public, free of charge. As You Sow does not provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. Nothing on this website shall constitute or be construed as an offering of financial instruments, or as investment advice or investment recommendations.
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