Nuveen Large Cap Responsible Equity Fund
Nuveen Large Cap Responsible Eq R6 (TISCX)
Open-end mutual fund
Fund investment profile
Shareclass ticker
Data as of
30 Nov 2024
Shareclass name
Nuveen Large Cap Responsible Eq R6
% of fund assets screened
Shareclass type
Open-end funds
Fund net assets
Fund family
TIAA Investments/Nuveen
Fund category
Large Blend
Domicile country
United States
Portfolio currency
US Dollar
Non-diversification risk
Socially responsible fund
Fossil fuels
Fossil fuel grade
Total fossil fuel stock holdings
Total % invested in fossil fuel stocks
Total assets invested in fossil fuel stocks
$258.37 MILLION
Fossil fuel finance
Fossil fuel finance grade
Fossil fuel finance score
Total fossil fuel finance stock holdings
Total % invested in fossil fuel finance stocks
Total assets invested in fossil fuel finance stocks
$157.13 MILLION
Fossil fuel insurance
Fossil fuel insurance grade
Fossil fuel insurance score
Total fossil fuel insurance stock holdings
Total % invested in fossil fuel insurance stocks
Total assets invested in fossil fuel insurance stocks
$61.12 MILLION
Total Clean200 stock holdings
Total % invested in Clean200 stocks
Total assets invested in Clean200 stocks
$975.82 MILLION

Sustainability report card
As You Sow’s Invest Your Values report card grades mutual funds on environmental and social issues, including climate change, gender equality, and weapon investments. Click through to get more details on each issue.
Nuveen Large Cap Responsible Equity Fund TISCX
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We offer sustainable investment tools that highlight issues dealing with climate change, gender equality and more
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