iShares Russell Top 200 ETF
iShares Russell Top 200 ETF (IWL)
Exchange-traded fund
WARNING: Carbon footprint data is no longer being updated.
As of 2023, we are no longer updating fund carbon footprint data. This is due to a lack of access to regularly-updated company-level carbon footprint data. We are looking into whether we can find a new source for this data. Until then, all fund carbon footprint data should be considered out of date.
Carbon footprint
emissions per unit of investment
emissions per unit of investment
LOW compared to benchmarks
Expresses the greenhouse gas footprint of an investment sum. Relative carbon footprint is measured in metric tonnes of CO2 or CO2 equivalents per $1 million USD invested. A fund's carbon footprint accounts for direct and indirect (scope 1 and 2) emissions.
Carbon intensity
emissions per unit of revenue
emissions per unit of revenue
LOW compared to benchmarks
Expresses the carbon efficiency of a portfolio. Relative carbon intensity is measured in metric tonnes of CO2 or CO2 equivalents per $1 million USD revenue. A fund's carbon intensity accounts for direct and indirect (scope 1 and 2) emissions.
Carbon footprint profile is provided by yourSRI. Metrics like carbon footprint and carbon intensity are calculated by tracking and measuring the greenhouse gas emissions of the underlying companies owned by the fund.
Find more carbon footprint information about this fund at yourSRI.
Find more carbon footprint information about this fund at yourSRI.
iShares Russell Top 200 ETF
Benchmark: MSCI ACWI*
Emissions scope 1+2
Emissions scope 1+2+3
by # of disclosing titles
by market value weight
* Full emissions and coverage data for MSCI ACWI index provided by yourSRI
Emissions of the top 10 fund holdings
Top 10 holdings, portfolio weight and emissions weight (Scope 1 + 2)
What does this mean?

Sustainability report card
As You Sow’s Invest Your Values report card grades mutual funds on environmental and social issues, including climate change, gender equality, and weapon investments. Click through to get more details on each issue.
iShares Russell Top 200 ETF IWL
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As You Sow is not an investment adviser as that term is defined under federal and state (California) laws and regulations. As You Sow is a tax-exempt, nonprofit organization dedicated to educating and empowering shareholders to change corporations for the good through the collection, analysis and dissemination of relevant information to the public, free of charge. As You Sow does not provide financial planning, legal or tax advice. Nothing on this website shall constitute or be construed as an offering of financial instruments, or as investment advice or investment recommendations.
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